- Preschool drop-in: A volunteer run drop-in is run Monday to Wednesday.
- Action Read (early literacy program): Friday mornings.
- Our calendar is available here https://www.gheng.ca/about/calendar/.
Preschool Drop-In (Mon, Tues, Wed)
Drop-ins are available to the general public on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mocha Monday: Connect over coffee, tea or hot cocoa while children play and make new friends.
Preschool Playtime (Tuesday): Nurture social and cognitive skills in our welcoming space.
Tot 'n Play (Wednesday): Stop by for some socializing and play time. Coffee will be on!
Preschool Drop-In time and location
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. with the exception of school holiday and cancellations.
Location: This program runs out of the community room at Ken Danby School. The community room is on the right hand side of the school as you are facing it.
Preschool Drop-In ages
Age: 0 to 4 years. Parents/caregivers must accompany their children. This is not a drop-off program.
Preschool drop-in additional information
A small snack will be provided. You may bring your own snacks as long as they are nut-free.
These volunteer-run sessions require adult participants to help maintain the room by keeping it clean.
Please sign-in.
Capacity is limited to 35 children.
Cancellations: Programs do not run during PA days, holidays and breaks. The room will be closed if the school shuts down due to severe weather. We will do our best to post cancellations on Facebook and Instagram.
Action Read: Early Start Family Literacy (Friday)
The Early Start Program is a play-based program where children are given exposure to a wide variety of activities, based on their unique needs and interests. Reading to children develops pre-literacy skills such as vocabulary building, oral language and comprehension.
Family literacy programs help parents and caregivers understand their role in their child’s early learning development, and create a strong lifelong learning foundation.
Action Read believes that early learning programs are vital to the health and success of children, families and communities!
Early Start time and location
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. with the exception of school holiday and cancellations.
Location: This program runs out of the community room at Ken Danby School. The community room is on the right hand side of the school as you are facing it.
Early Start audience
Age: 0 to age 6 years for children.
Parents/caregivers must accompany.
Early Start additional information
- The early start program offers:
- Story-time, numeracy and language games, songs, rhymes, word play, puzzles and crafts
- Nutritious snacks
- Ideas and resources for activities at home
- A book lending library for children and parents
- Caring, nurturing Early Childhood Educated qualified staff
- Information on other programs and services
Capacity is limited to 35 children.
Cancellations: Programs do not run during PA days, holidays and breaks. The room will be closed if the school shuts down due to severe weather. We will do our best to post cancellations on Facebook and Instagram.
Thank You
We extend our gratitude to the volunteers who supply the vision, energy and a great many additional hours of volunteer time to make our preschool programs exciting.