Volunteer Schedules

Food Cupboard Assistants and COBS Bread

Managing Shifts

You must be registered as a Food Cupboard Assistant or a COBS Bread Volunteer with the Grange Hill East Neighbourhood Group to sign up for a shift.

Helpful Hints:

Shift Registration and Views

  • You may download the Signup Genius App for easier viewing on your phone or tablet. It is best if you create your own account to sign in.
  • “Calendar View" seems only to be available on a laptop/computer. Using this view may simplify the process.
  • “List View" allows users to see available registration slots.
  • For Tues/Wed/Sat Food Cupboard Schedules: There is a different registration link for each month.  For the Food Cupboard, scheduled shift time starts 15 minutes before the Food Cupboard opens and ends 15 minutes after it closes (e.g. if the pantry is open from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., your shift will start at 5:45 p.m and end at 7:15 p.m.). 

Alternate Name Option 

  • When you log in to SignUp Genius, you can register and make an account with your full name. You have the choice of displaying an “alternate name" option for your shift registration. This alternate name is what will be be available for anyone viewing SignUpGenius webpage.
  • Any additional contact information (e.g. phone number) will not be visible to other volunteers, but will be available to the Neighbourhood Group administrator(s).
Junior and Senior Food Cupboard Assistants 
  • Sign up as a Sr. Food Cupboard Assistant if you have the key code, are comfortable registering patrons and are over 18 years of age. 
  • Sign up in the Jr. or Senior shift position if you would like a little more experience and oversight when on your shift and/or you are a student (under 18 years of age). 
 Shift Cancellation
  • Should you need to cancel your shift, you may work with other volunteers to reschedule.
  • Please ensure you cancel your shift on SignUp Genius.
  • If you need help finding a replacement, please connect with the Neighbourhood Support Worker (call/text: 519-820-9576). Please try and cancel as early as possible to allow time to find a replacement, not just prior to the shift. 
  • If the Food Cupboard Needs to be closed for any reason, please contact the Neighbourhood Support Worker.

Link to all Food Cupboard and COBS Bread Shifts

Sign Up!

Updated Feb, 2022