Candy Chemistry PA Day
Discover the surprising science hiding in a bag of Skittles.
Explore solubility, buoyancy, and reactivity. Plus, investigate the odds of finding your favourite colour. How sweet it is!
Who: Age: 4 to 12. Open to anyone in Guelph
Cost: FREE

Candy Chemistry poster
Kit Pickup Location/Time:
Parents/Guardians must be able to pick up sciences kits at the following location:
– 470 Auden Rd. (Food Cupboard location) between 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on October 21 and 28, 2020
– Ken Danby Public School (Community Room) between 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 22nd (text/call when outside the door to pick up 519-820-9576).
Please wear a mask and respect social distancing when picking up your kit.
Online Instruction:
Instructions will be provided by Scientists in School via online programming; all participants must be able to access the link we will provide prior to the event date.
Register for Candy Chemistry (morning session)
This event is SOLD OUT
Find us on our Eventbrite page.
Register for Candy Chemistry (afternoon session)
This event is SOLD OUT.
Find us on our Eventbrite page.