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Food cupboard tours and pre-registration

1205 Comments off Food Cupboard, Resources

Effective Monday, February 26th to March 31st , 2024

Pre-registration for new food cupboard clients: If you live in the neighbourhood and would like access to our food cupboard, we ask that you consider pre-registering with us. For the month of March, pre-registration will be done at our Food Cupboard, (470 Auden Road). You can get a quick tour at this time.

When: Every Monday in March – 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.

Eligibility: You are eligible if you live in our neighbourhood, can provide proof of address, and complete our registration form.

What to bring:  Bring proof of ID for everyone. Anyone 18 years or age and older must provide proof of address as well (e.g. Driver’s licence, rental agreement, current utilities bill or credit card bill etc.).

No shopping will be allowed during registration sessions.