Dream It, Be It

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This online event will celebrate women throughout time. It will focus on the stories, careers, and dreams of women from past, present, and future. Special guests will run workshops and offer hands-on activities and discussions.

Date: Saturday March 12th, 2022
Time: 10:00am to 3:00pm (with breaks)
Schedule: In development
Location: Zoom or Google Meet
Who: Anyone who identifies as being a girl and is aged 13 to 17
Capacity: up to 100 participants with smaller groups in virtual break-out rooms

Pre-registration required: Please fill out this linked form to register.

Workshop and Presenters will be shared closer to the date.

Women through time poster

Link to event poster

More about the program hosts:

Guelph Neighbourhood Support Coalition
A network of neighbourhood groups, sponsoring agencies and program partners. These three groups work together to share resources, ideas, and answer questions as well as help each other work towards a strong neighbourhood group coalition in Guelph. 

Soroptimist International of Guelph
We are an international organization with UN status whose members work to improve the lives of women and girls in local communities and throughout the world. This program will be a part of their DIBI (Dream It, Be It) initiative