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Leader In Training

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Gain skills through our Leader in Training (LIT) program

Leader In Training (LIT) programs offer valuable training experience for participants who aspire to become camp counselors, gain experience in programming, and develop their leadership skills. Both senior and junior LIT positions offered this summer will include mentorship and leadership opportunities.

Junior LITs
11 and 12 year old campers are welcome to express interest in helping out at our camps as Junior LITs. This request to participate is near the end of the camp registration form.  Due to capacity restrictions this year, Junior LITs may, or may not, be working in a cohort of their peers.
Parents are welcome to contact Kevin, Camp Supervisor ( if you are interested in learning more. For those who sign up, Kevin will connect with you to let you know if there is a space in the week(s) you are requesting, and you will receive more information about what to expect in the role.
Senior LITs
Senior LITs, must register by Sunday, June 27 2021 in order to schedule online, structured, Grange Hill East Neighbourhood Group (GHENG) LIT training. Senior LITs who register after this date will receive less formal, on-site training but will still be registered as an LIT. 
Once participants have registered for the Senior LIT program, Kevin, Camp Supervisor, will call to introduce himself, let you know about scheduled training dates, and answer any additional questions. 


Camp Supervisor: Kevin Nguyen


Important Date(s)

Camp registration live: Monday, June 14, 2021 at 9:00 a.m.

Apply to be a Senior LIT: by Sunday, June 27, 2021 (to receive formal, online training)

Boy having fun at camp