Calling Pint-Sized Scientists
Scientists in School is coming to Grange Hill East. These hands-on workshops are free and geared toward our preschool crowd.
Location: Community Room. 525 Grange Hill East.
Preschool Program Drop-In: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (Science in School Programming begins at 9:30 a.m. and runs for an hour).
Ages: 3 to 7. Younger children are welcome to come.
When: Tues. March 31, 2020
The Planet Digs Bugs
They may be tiny, but more insects inhabit the planet than people. Get an up close look at these fascinating creatures by examining a praying mantis and a variety of dragonflies and butterflies.
Date: Tues. April 14, 2020
Please Play with your Food!
Learning chemistry is fun when it’s all about food! Make elephant toothpaste from kitchen chemicals. Explore solubility while experimenting with sweet treats. Create art using chemistry and watch it explode! Have fun making a suspension you can mold.
Date: Tues. May 5, 2020.
Good Clean Fun
Fun with soap and water? You’ll be amazed when you make fireworks in a cup, explore surface tension and make your own soapy work of art. Explore millions of bubbles and make your own bath bomb to take home.